Sometimes you have opportunities and you can choose to make a turn and change your life. And sometimes life decides for you and you have no choice.

Like everybody, I had to make tons of choices in my life, from the smallest to the biggest. But each one of them was my choice.

I choose to do law school.

I choose to move to Nantes to do my business school.

I choose to work in Tokyo for a summer internship.

I choose to do my semester abroad in Washington DC.

I choose to say YES to my husband.

I choose to buy an apartment and invest in a place for my family.

I choose to change jobs 5 times.

I choose to have kids.

I choose to live in New York and quit my life in Paris to start a new adventure with my husband and our daughter.

I choose to continue this pregnancy and take on my own fears.

I choose to start my own business as a coach.

Each one of these choices was right for me.

I made these choices with all the information I had at this moment. No idea of the consequences and of the future. I did my best. I followed my intuition. And I have no regrets.

Most of these choices changed my life. They are part of my story. They made me the woman I am now.


Some of my choices were made with the help of my family or my friend, but I am the one who lived with them.

That’s why it is important to make your choices according to your values and your life.

No one knows better than you what is best for you.

Pieces of Advice are good to take, Orders are not. When it’s your life you have to choose what is best for you, at this moment of your life.

A woman can decide to say no to her lover (or run away the day of the wedding, it’s still her choice).

A little boy can choose to do a ballet class instead of football.

A little girl can choose rugby instead of gymnastics.

A man can choose to quit his wife and his kids.

A woman can choose to have no kids.

A young man can wear long hair.

A young girl can have short hair.

When choices are right for you, make you feel good, no matter what the society tells you, no matter what your family tells you, no matter what your friend tells you, it is your choice.

But sometimes, you want to have the choice but you cannot because you don’t have this freedom of choice, this courage to go against society, your family, your friends. And it’s completely ok. And it is still a choice to decide not to go in a direction because you cannot do it or it will hurt you or the people you love.

Sometimes your life is in danger because you live in a country where you have no right to speak or choose even the way you dress. You still have the right to think, and the hope that things will change one day.

If you live in a country where you have the right to do what you want, where you can choose your life, it can be scary too. Too many possibilities are around you and you just want to follow the path and don’t think too much. Sometimes it can be easier to stay in the career you choose when you were younger, even if you feel it is not right for you anymore.

Changing is hard, the process is long and we love, as a human being, staying in our comfort zone. Believe me, following your dreams, getting out of your comfort zone, living new experiences, meeting new people is worth it.

It is worth it and it is teamwork because you will need help to change your life. The help of a friend, of a coach, of a family member, your significant other, that will be with you every day, every week to check your progress and keep you motivated.

If you are thinking of changing your life and have no idea where to start, I will help you to set-up a plan with concrete, short and long-term goals and I will be there to support or push you, depending on what you need. You can read the testimonial of Laurène to know more about the benefits of my coaching and contact me for more info.


Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

Read my last article “The Power of Choice” and follow my website Rainbow Life Coaching and my Facebook & Instagram page,  to be updated with the next one “How to make the right choice for you”.


Next week, I will talk about how to make a choice that is right for you (and only you!).

Marie Rousselle

Rainbow Life Coaching


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